Albany Leadership Charter High School for Girls will be resuming hybrid and fully in-person instruction and will also begin proactively testing for COVID- 19 for in-person students and employees as a precautionary measure. 

ALH plans to conduct COVID-19 testing on 10% of all in-person students and employees over a two-week period. This process will be randomized.

At this time, the state has not designated Albany County as part of a COVID-19 micro-cluster zone, which would require mandatory testing. However, the school is initiating precautionary testing as an extra measure to protect the well-being of its employees, students, and families, and to continue to do its part to attempt to contain the spread of the disease.

We are asking all Parents and Guardians to complete our COVID-19 testing consent form. This can be found on FamilyID. If you have an email on file in PowerSchool, you have received an email from ALH through FamilyID. If you do not have an email on file, please follow this link to register for FamilyID and fill out the consent form. 

Albany Leadership will use a non-invasive nasal swab for COVID-19 testing. This will be a self-administered test facilitated by the school nurse. You can check out this video by the company that produces the test explaining the process.

Please also remember that in-person and hybrid students need to complete the daily COVID-19 health screener before the school day begins. Hybrid students should complete the daily health screening even on days they are not coming to school in-person.

The health screen will be sent out at 5:00 a.m to all parents and guardians via the email on file in PowerSchool or cell phone and is required to be filled out by 6:45 a.m. If you need to add or update the email on file or cell phone for your family, please contact the main office.

The daily health screen takes a minute or less to complete and is an important part of our schoolwide strategy to protect the health and safety of all members of our school community. Whether your student is attending in-person or hybrid, completing the screener each day also supports our partnership with the Albany County Health Department for contact tracing.

If you receive an email, the subject line will come up as Smart Contact COVID-19 Screening Survey. If you receive a text message, it will say “Click the link for your COVID-19 screening”.

Health and safety procedures will continue to include cleaning and sanitizing nightly. We will continue to follow all required COVID-19 precautions (pre-arrival symptom screening and temperature screening for students, staff, and visitors, wearing masks, hand hygiene, social distancing of 6 feet or more, and other precautions).

As always, for questions, please reach out to the main office at 518-694-5300.

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